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Speed Up 9» Impreso

Speed Up 9» Impreso

Precio $ 23,50
Availability: 100 In Stock

Speed-Up! is a five-level cohesive program that guides students into the process of learning English in a developmentally appropriate pace through different activities or tasks and specific meaningful contexts and real-life scenarios.

Desempeños 10 (15 años) »...

Desempeños 10 (15 años) » Impreso

Precio $ 30,00
Availability: 100 In Stock

Con el objetivo de facilitar los procesos enseñanza aprendizaje de la computación y la tecnología como también el manejo de las NTIC, ofrecemos nuestra nueva serie de computación, completamente actualizada. 

Building TOEIC Skills »...

Building TOEIC Skills » Impreso

Precio $ 35,75
Availability: 100 In Stock

The new TOEIC® study series from Seed Learning is a three-level series designed to assist students in achieving their TOEIC® goals. The series provides thorough test preparation and extensive practice of TOEIC®-style questions.

Reading for the Academic...

Reading for the Academic World 3 » Impreso

Precio $ 30,50
Availability: 100 In Stock

Reading for the Academic World is a three-book series designed for students who are seeking to develop their academic reading skills with particular focus on passages that incorporate vocabulary items from the Academic Word List. 

Fast Track 3 (SB+WB) » Impreso

Fast Track 3 (SB+WB) » Impreso

Precio $ 51,50
Availability: 100 In Stock

Fast Track is a three-level series designed for young-adult and adult learners of English who have had some exposure to English but need review practice and fluency development to become better communicators.