Boost English is an up-to-date series which includes recent topics and lots of engaging activities. It is a professionally designed five-level-course for teenagers and young adults.
Boost English is an up-to-date series which includes recent topics and lots of engaging activities. It is a professionally designed five-level-course for teenagers and young adults. It offers learners not only colorful activities to motivate them but also a guided structure to enable them practice all four skills. Both the receptive skills and productive skills have great importance, that’s why, Boost English gives importance to all four language skills with an extra emphasis on speaking skills. To engage the learners to use English, a wide range of activities is offered. The graphics used in this series will draw the attention of the students easily and help them understand the themes better. Each course in this series is supported with many videos to enhance visual learning. Boost English also has Blackswan E-class support, and this platform strengthens the communication between the instructors and the publishing house. Yearly plans and extra materials via Blackswan E-class support are provided to the instructors.
Boost English is an up-to-date series which includes recent topics and lots of engaging activities. It is a professionally designed five-level-course for teenagers and young adults.
Cada vez con más frecuencia en nuestro país, se conocen iniciativas de futuros empresarios que desean emprender negocios de artesanía, música, deporte, empresas de turismo, talleres mecánicos, salas de belleza, comercio.
This brand-new Workbook helps students to consolidate their learning, with further practice activities and language support to accompany each chapter of the Student Book.
Con el objetivo de facilitar los procesos enseñanza aprendizaje de la computación y la tecnología como también el manejo de las NTIC, ofrecemos nuestra nueva serie de computación, completamente actualizada.
This edition of Jane Eyre is perfect for GCSE-level students: it comes complete with the novel, plus an introduction providing context, and a glossary explaining key terms.
Teach AQA’s GCSEs in English Literature and English Language as one coherent course with Student Books that help students to build and apply the skills that underpin both qualifications.
Con seguridad esta es la serie más dinámica y entretenida con que cuenta el sector educativo primario para el desarrollo y fortalecimiento de la cultura estética junto con todas las capacidades necesarias para el efecto.
Este texto es una alternativa pedagógica que permitirá a quienes conforman la comunidad educativa encarar los valores de manera integral, pues el enfoque se erige sobre pilares fundamentales de la educación.
Reading Rocket is a three-level reading series for young learners of English. In each book, carefully graded reading passages are supported by a variety of exercises.