Hand in Hand is a comprehensive seven-level course book designed to transform young learners into confident English speakers and capable global citizens.
Hand in Hand is a comprehensive seven-level course book designed to transform young learners into confident English speakers and capable global citizens. At the heart of the series is the recognition that global awareness, learning through content areas, and 21st century skills are necessary to succeed in today’s world. The series combines steady vocabulary and grammar progression with the functional objectives of the Common European Framework (CEFR) and Young Learners English (YLE) tests.
Hand in Hand is a comprehensive seven-level course book designed to transform young learners into confident English speakers and capable global citizens.
Reading Planet is an engaging three-level reading series for high-intermediate learners of English. It features interesting, informative reading passages on a variety of topics, such as animals, technology, culture and the arts.
Little Phonics is a four-level series for very young learners. With a carefully organized syllabus, it provides a simple and systemic way of learning basic phonics. Throughout the series.
Speed Phonics is a three-level series for young learners who are learning English as a foreign language (EFL). Designed by EFL specialists, Speed Phonics uses a quick and concise approach to introduce the basic phonics skills.
Smart English is a seven-level integrated course book for young learners that is fun and easy to learn with. It incorporates a lot of systematic recycling and reviewing of language targets for more effective learning.
La nueva serie Ciencias Sociales Sapiens, dirigida a la educación primaria, se diseñó para el desarrollo de competencias, según el Programa de Educación Básica General del Ministerio de Educación.
Touch 3.0 está orientado a desarrollar en los estudiantes, las habilidades digitales básicas que le permitan convertirse en un ciudadano digital. Permite a los alumnos, trabajar de manera independiente.
Cada vez con más frecuencia en nuestro país, se conocen iniciativas de futuros empresarios que desean emprender negocios de artesanía, música, deporte, empresas de turismo, talleres mecánicos, salas de belleza, comercio.